Happy New Year! Are you considering a renovation for 2020? It always seems like a good idea at the time, but let’s face it: it can be intimidating! I spent most of December and early January undergoing a mini “face lift” of my own in the form of a second shop for Artful Interiors. I’ll spare some of the headaches, but it’s going well and we officially opened on January 13th.
Once a thriving denim manufacturing company, our space is located in a large complex called The Cotton Mill Exchange. This unique — and not quite finished — development is along the Etowah River in downtown Canton, Georiga. The building is over 45,000 square feet and had been abandoned and of course fallen on disrepair. Consequently, this renovation hit more than just a few “brick walls” while trying to receive the certificate of occupancy.
We first thought we’d open in early fall. Then mid-November. Then early December. Bottom line: all the best laid plans get derailed due to things out of our control. Such is life, right?
But…it’s is always worth it in the end. Here’s some shots of mid-December’s work:

Installing one of our new signs! (Check out our new logo too. What do you think?)